Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Really," ENGLISH "....!!!!!

It is universally accepted that ENGLISH is the global language and the knowledge of this can help us in any corner of the world. I would like to quote the words of Jawaharlal Nehru in this context," Engish is the window to the world, language." But still it is debatable question that which langage should be given first priority, to English or mother tongue or national language. In the present cenario we find many men and women advocating for English language at the cost of our national language as well as for the mother tongue. I would like to put forth some reasons as far as the language issue is concern.
what is the primary function of any language? The answer can be, the transaction of the ideas from one person to another person or to convey the message. But the same thing can also be done through signs and symbols then again the same question reamains unanswered. Language is not the collection of words or letters, it is something beyond than that. Any language cotains cultural and emotional touch with it and language is one of the most important and vital base to maintain and sustain the cultural heritage. So any other foreign language should not be implimented at the cost of our own languages.
As far as study and business part is concern English should be given due weightage,moreover one can take help of English to enrich his or her knowledge power also. But it is not proper to consider ours as inferior language. Some times people feel that if they use English more in their daily affairs than they will be considered as well-cultured human beings, and they will be respecetd more in compare to others. I think this an illusion for them. Going much deeper in the same issue I would like to ask one question to all that
"will it be possible to get the same emotions and feelings of any perticular culture with help of foreign languge?

Translation is the option for this problem up to some extent but still it almost all impossible to have the same appeal which can be achieved through the origional language or from the native speaker.So in nut shall we may say that we should take the benifit of any foreign language as far as our needs are concern but at the sama time we should not be prejudiced against our own mother tongue and national language.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Friends I would like to discuss about one the ramarkable works of English literature, ' THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS ' by BUNYAN. This book is considered as next to
' BIBLE ' holy scripture of christian people. What makes this book this much intersting is not perhaps the theme i.e. related to religion but the way in which the auther
has dealt is of much interst. This book can be read by young reader as a book dealing with adventurous story while for the mature reader it has got some hidden meaning
also which can be understood only if we peep in to the deerer layer of the book. The book is baisicaly written in an allegorical form having the characters personified in
absract ideas. The main theme is obivious, man quest for Celecstial City leaving behind everythings that are physical and give pain to the human soul.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Think about......

World's most beautiful sentence,,,,,
"......but I like you."
World's most painful sentence,,,,,,,
"I like you, but..."
words are same,
but how they are placed,
matters a lot !!!!

Think about.......

Thursday, September 24, 2009

About my self

Something about me......
Hello.....friends......! This is SANJAY AAL.
Freinds, every human being is sent on the earth by almighty for some purpose, I am also one of them, I have some objectives of life. I am willing to be a college lecturer. As far as my area of interest are concern music is the first one not only listening but also singing some times. I also like to play cricket an vollyball. Reading is also one of mya interests, but reading novels, articles and some columns of news papers. Actually I don't have any role model, but since I came in to contact with our Prof. Dr DILIP BARAD, I consider him as my role model, because of his hardworking, sharpworking nature and so many other good qualities.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Never say DIE

Friends, the above qouted words, you shoul remember at each and every step of your life. Mind
well "MAN can be destroyed but can not be defeated......." by Ernest Hemingway", Fr. OLD MAN AND THE SEA.